Thursday 29 September 2022

Chiang Mai, Thailand - Thursday 29 September 2022

Arrived from Sydney late on Wednesday night. Had to fly via Bangkok. First time on Thai Airways which was fine, but a very full flight. Long day.

Cleared immigration in Bangkok so once arrived in Chiang Mai it was straight to baggage claim. Caught a Grab to the Shangri-la and there was a nice welcome gift...


On the Thursday morning, I had breakfast buffet in the hotel and then headed on foot to the Old Town. There's a walking street with many temples. Visited a few.

This one is Wat Chai Si Phum...

This one is called Wat Phra Singh Waramahavihan...

Pretty tired now so headed back to the hotel for some pool time.

That night I headed to the night market which is about a 10 minute walk.

Had some Khao Soi and a sample of skewers...

Then headed to a rooftop bar I had read about called LHC. 

Had a drink and headed back to the hotel. I am quite tired as Sydney is three hours ahead so was still adjusting to the time difference.

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