Friday 30 September 2022

Chiang Mai, Thailand - Friday 30 September 2022

On Friday, I wanted to see a couple of sights so I hired a driver for the afternoon. First stop was Doi Suthep, which was about an hour's drive away. On arrival, you have to climb 300 odd stairs to the temple.

It wasn't too hard. This is looking back down...

Then you pay THB50 to enter the temple, and remove your shoes, which is normal practice for all temples. I did take my hat off but put it back on here as it's hot...

There are nice views of Chiang Mai from up there...

After that, we drove further up the mountain to Bhubing Palace, the Royal Winter Residence...

We then continued further up the mountain to Hmong Village where local people produce wine and other things.

We tried the local coffee at a local cafe...

We then headed back to Chiang Mai. On the way we made our final stop at Wat Pha Lat which was really nice.

That night I had a foot massage. Was served tea after...

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