Wednesday 14 September 2022

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam - Wednesday 14 September 2022

 No plan today. Had a sleep in and then went for a local breakfast nearby...

Then walked around the area. Street scene...

Bitexco Tower...

Back to hotel and checked out. Left my bags and went for another walk, this time in the direction of Independence Palace...

Found a place selling art and bought a couple of paintings. I had run out of VND but fortunately the guy took Thai Baht which I had with me...

It started to rain heavily, and fortunately there was a cafe in the same building. Thi was my third coffee for the day!

The staff uniforms were very Vietnamese military...

It stopped raining so I continued my walk past the Opera House...

There's Bitexco Tower in the background...

Kept walking to the river...

Then back to the hotel and hung out at the pool for the rest of the day. I have a late flight at 2045.

Showered and changed, and headed to the airport.

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