Wednesday 28 September 2022

Sydney - September 2022

 Had a couple of weeks in Sydney for Callum's graduation. I arrived on Thursday on the overnight flight from Ho Chi Minh City. On the Friday night, I went to The Collaroy for a drink with Alex.

Nice night but it's pretty cold. Looking north...

On the Saturday night we had a family gathering at Simon & Ange's to celebrate my nephew's birthday.

On the Monday morning there was a graduation ceremony at Knox. This photo was of Callum's first day of school, thirteen years ago...

And thirteen years later!

One day I went into the city for some meetings in Martin Place...

Another day, I went for a drive to Breakfast Point and caught the car ferry to Putney. I never even knew that it existed!

One night I met Alex for a walk around Lavender Bay...

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Melbourne - June 2024

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