Saturday 7 May 2016

Hong Kong - family visit - May 2016

After work, I caught the Airport Express to meet Jacqui, Eliza and Callum.

Didn't have to wait long as they cleared immigration quickly.

Brought them back to Elgin Street and then out to dinner. I hadn't realised how crazy Friday nights could be and we couldn't get in to 2 of my favourite places.

Found a local restaurant and had dinner, then to bed. It's very good to have them here.

View from my office...

Got up early and cooked bacon and eggs in my tiny kitchen. Then walked down to Man Mo Temple and then caught a tram to Wan Chai.

Bought a pineapple bun and had coffee at The Coffee Academics with the family.

Caught the #15 bus to The Peak and walked the Lugard Road circuit. Much clearer today so could enjoy the views.

Taxi back down and did a bit of shopping. Then lunch at Wang Fu my favourite dumpling place in Wellington Street. A local told us it was the best dumpling place in Hong Kong.

Then back for a quick nap.

Then went to the zoo. As it was late and muggy, the animals were a bit sluggish. Walked down to the ferry and caught it across to TST. It was crazy busy there. I don't like it, for that reason. 

Had a nice Indian dinner and returned on the ferry.

Great view from The Peak (Lugard Road Circuit)...

Callum woke me at 6am wanting to go to the zoo (I had previously mentioned that I had seen the animals more active in the morning !)

So we went, and had a great time with the orangutans who really wanted to interact with us.

This is a Siamang who was very interested in what we were doing...

And the Orangutans were fantastic, playing with us by throwing pieces of hessian for us to catch...

Back home and then to Central to go to Shek O. I swam and then we had a coffee and left.

Caught MTR to Hang Hau and then mini bus 101 to Sai Kung. Much busier than my last time there. Lunch at Chuen Kee Seafood Restaurant. Then walked around Sai Kung. 

Prawns for lunch...choosing them was a challenge...

Returned to Elgin St to catch our breath, then headed out to dinner. Vietnamese tonight at Noodle Mi in Bonham Strand. Nice healthy food.

Then back up the escalator to home.

Massive snail...

On Tuesday I meet the family at Exchange Square and escorted them to the Airport Express. Was good to have them here.

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