Thursday 19 May 2016

Singapore - Thursday 19 May 2016

Woke up and went to the hotel gym which is really nice. The hardest thing about travel is maintaining your fitness regime.

Then to the Executive Lounge for breakfast.

I was expecting coffee and pastries but it was full on hot buffet with eggs cooked to order. Wow.

Was going to walk to work but as I walked out of the hotel and the humidity hit me, I caught a cab.

Office is well located on Collyer Quay. I have been here enough to know where I am most of the time.

Small office and very friendly. The usual mix of Poms, Aussies and locals, with a South African thrown in.

They all took me to lunch at the Fullerton Hotel. Beautiful hotel and the buffet lunch was incredible. Ate too much. Hainese chicken rice, pork, duck, pork soup, rendang, oysters, etc etc

After work I walked back to my hotel. It's not far but I have a terrible sense of direction. Even with my phone !

Up to the Executive Lounge for free drinks and enough snacks to cover dinner.

Clarke Quay...

Boat Quay...

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