Monday 2 May 2016

Shenzhen - Sunday 1 May 2016

Sunday I went to Shenzhen to go shopping at the Luoho Shopping Centre. Easy to get there - the MTR takes you right to the border and you walk acrross. Had to get a visa which was okay - just a process. I was quite early - about 9.30 am which helped.

Massive shopping centre. So many small shops down multiple aisles over 5 floors, it's easy to get lost.

I had read a lot so I knew to ignore the touts and bargain hard. I bought a lot of stuff and the quality seems good so far. Bought "Nikes", "Vans", jeans, backpack, wheelie bag, leather shoes, belt, sunnies, bluetooth headphones and bluetooth speaker. The electronics were the riskiest purchase but work so far. I did get into shopping mode so actually spent all my RMB cash.

Prices were excellent other than the "Nikes' which were more than I was expecting to pay. But I know I didn't pay too much as I walked out of 3 shops (bargaining tactic) and they didn't chase me so I knew I must have offered too low.

Found a nice restaurant for lunch. I enjoyed the afternoon more as I had got into the routine.

Easy trip back in the late afternoon.

Shenzhen from Lo Wu or Luohu as it is called in China...

My purchases...

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