Tuesday 3 May 2016

Dragon's Back - Monday 2 May 2016

Public Holiday today.

I decided to do the Dragon's Back walk. I caught the train the Shau Kei Wan so I could catch the #9 bus to To Tei Wan where the trail starts. However, I had forgotten that it was a Public Holiday. When I got to Shau Kei Wan, the queue for the #9 bus was worse that Disneyland ! I decided to catch a cab to the start of the trail. Cabs are cheap so it only cost me HKD70 (A$12) and saved me hours of queuing.

The track was packed, and the visibility was very poor, which is a shame as the views would have been spectacular. However it was a good workout and harder than I had expected. It had been raining overnight so was slippery in places. I eventually got to the part that I had done before and went down to Big Wave Bay.

Today at least the beach was open and I had my first swim in HK on this trip. Water was nice. Beach was busy and an Australian accent was the most commonly heard. A few Dads teaching their kids to surf, although the waves were tiny. 

Big Wave Bay...

Then I walked on to  Shek O and ate at my favourite restaurant there - Lulus. The coffee is great. It was very busy so I bailed, and caught the #9 bus back to Shau Kei Wan.

I got off at Wan Chai and went shopping for a few groceries, as there is a good discount supermarket there. I bought the smallest packet of rice I could find - 5kg ! Cost HKD32 - I think that's reasonable.

Then went home and then to the gym. Ate dinner at a crepe place I found at PMQ near me. PMQ is the old Police Headquarters that has been transformed into a trendy eating spot.

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