Monday 16 May 2016

Hong Kong - Saturday 14 May 2016

Woke up not really knowing what to do with myself.

Did an advanced yoga class at the gym and then caught the tram to Wan Chai to get my hair cut and do some shopping. Ventured through Wan Chai markets and found soap ! Cussons what's more ! All I can get at the pharmacy is liquid soap.

In the afternoon I caught the ferry to TST and ventured into Harbour City Shopping Mall. It is massive and was packed. Found a nice short in uniqlo but the queue was so long for the change rooms that I gave up. Tried to find American Eagle but couldn't.

Left and caught MTR back. Long walk underground to TST station. Love the ferry but it's also a fair walk out to the pier.

Went to the gym and did some weights.

Cooked prawn risotto for dinner.

Opened the balcony door to soak up the noise from Elgin Street. I love living there.

This is my street...

This is an electronics shop...crazy...

Pimp shoes...

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