Friday 30 September 2022

Chiang Mai, Thailand - Friday 30 September 2022

On Friday, I wanted to see a couple of sights so I hired a driver for the afternoon. First stop was Doi Suthep, which was about an hour's drive away. On arrival, you have to climb 300 odd stairs to the temple.

It wasn't too hard. This is looking back down...

Then you pay THB50 to enter the temple, and remove your shoes, which is normal practice for all temples. I did take my hat off but put it back on here as it's hot...

There are nice views of Chiang Mai from up there...

After that, we drove further up the mountain to Bhubing Palace, the Royal Winter Residence...

We then continued further up the mountain to Hmong Village where local people produce wine and other things.

We tried the local coffee at a local cafe...

We then headed back to Chiang Mai. On the way we made our final stop at Wat Pha Lat which was really nice.

That night I had a foot massage. Was served tea after...

Thursday 29 September 2022

Chiang Mai, Thailand - Thursday 29 September 2022

Arrived from Sydney late on Wednesday night. Had to fly via Bangkok. First time on Thai Airways which was fine, but a very full flight. Long day.

Cleared immigration in Bangkok so once arrived in Chiang Mai it was straight to baggage claim. Caught a Grab to the Shangri-la and there was a nice welcome gift...


On the Thursday morning, I had breakfast buffet in the hotel and then headed on foot to the Old Town. There's a walking street with many temples. Visited a few.

This one is Wat Chai Si Phum...

This one is called Wat Phra Singh Waramahavihan...

Pretty tired now so headed back to the hotel for some pool time.

That night I headed to the night market which is about a 10 minute walk.

Had some Khao Soi and a sample of skewers...

Then headed to a rooftop bar I had read about called LHC. 

Had a drink and headed back to the hotel. I am quite tired as Sydney is three hours ahead so was still adjusting to the time difference.

Wednesday 28 September 2022

Sydney - September 2022

 Had a couple of weeks in Sydney for Callum's graduation. I arrived on Thursday on the overnight flight from Ho Chi Minh City. On the Friday night, I went to The Collaroy for a drink with Alex.

Nice night but it's pretty cold. Looking north...

On the Saturday night we had a family gathering at Simon & Ange's to celebrate my nephew's birthday.

On the Monday morning there was a graduation ceremony at Knox. This photo was of Callum's first day of school, thirteen years ago...

And thirteen years later!

One day I went into the city for some meetings in Martin Place...

Another day, I went for a drive to Breakfast Point and caught the car ferry to Putney. I never even knew that it existed!

One night I met Alex for a walk around Lavender Bay...

Melbourne - June 2024

 Had to go to Melbourne for work. Flew on the Monday morning and straight to the office. After work I checked in to Voco and crossed Lonsdal...