Wednesday 29 November 2017

Washington / New York - Wednesday 29 November 2017

Got up and had free breakfast in the hotel. Pretty good. I like this hotel.

Caught the train to Smithsonian and walked to the Washington Monument, and then to the World War II Memorial. Kept going to the Lincoln Memorial and then the Vietnam War Veterans Memorial.


Washington Monument...

World War II Memorial...

Looking towards Lincoln Memorial...

Vietnam War Veterans Memorial...

After that, I walked back to my hotel, getting lunch on the way. It's another spectacular day.

Caught an Uber to Union Station, and train back to NYC. Quick trip but I did everything I wanted to.

Walked back to Row NYC and checked in. This time my room overlooked 44th street.

I then headed to St Mark's Theatre to see a Friends Parody Show. It was pretty funny.

Then had a drink and late dinner nearby and headed back to the hotel.

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