Tuesday 28 November 2017

Washington - Tuesday 28 November 2017

Woke early and checked out. Headed down 8th Ave to Pennsylvania Station. Had breakfast at Tick Tock Diner an old style American Diner nearby.

Boarded the train and quite a relaxing 3.5 hour trip to Washington.

Arriving at Union Station...

Union Station...

Christopher Columbus Memorial, outside Union Station...

Was going to get an Uber to my hotel, but it was a beautiful day, and I wanted to orient myself.

Walked down The Mall and past The White House.

Capitol Building...gorgeous day...

Attractive building on the Mall...not sure what it is...

Washington Monument...

African American Museum...

The White House...

Not the quickest way to hotel and I was hot and tired when I got there. It's very warm here.

Checked in to District by Hilton in Foggy Bottom. Really nice big room.

Worked out yet another train system...

Then caught the train from Foggy Bottom to Smithsonian and went to the Natural History Museum which I had wanted to go to for a while. Very impressive.

Then went to Air and Space Museum. I had been here before, in 1997, but wanted to go again. I enjoyed it. All the Smithsonian Museums are free to enter so you don't feel like to have to spend all day there.

After that, I got the train back to hotel and headed to free happy hour. Met some Americans at the bar.

After that I headed out to explore the local area and get some dinner. I got some Mexican which was good. Then tried a few bars and returned to the hotel.

I like this city too !

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