Saturday 11 November 2017

New York - Saturday 11 November 2017

Another cold but clear day. Walked west to the Hudson and then north through Hudson River Park up to Greenwich Village.

Found the Friends Building and took some photos for Callum...

Walked to Chelsea Market and had a look around. very busy Then found a restaurant and had lemon ricotta pancakes for brunch. Not bad but I couldn't get a decent coffee !

After that I walked The Highline a walk on what was elevated train tracks. I had done this last year, but it is a lovely walk next to the Hudson River.

 This chain always reminds me of the first time I came to NYC in 1997...

I then walked to Row NYC which is the hotel I will be staying at in a couple of weeks when I come back.

Then walked back down to Greenwich Village and as it got dark I walked through Washington Square Park. 

Had dinner at a Mexican Restaurant in Greenwich Village.

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