Sunday 17 April 2016

Macau - Saturday 16 April 2016

Met my friend in Central and we walked along the overhead pedestrian walkway to the Macau Ferry Terminal in Sheung Wan.

Rookie error #1
Bought tickets at the machine. We thought A$70 was a lot for a 1 hour ferry ride but whatever. We were then given priority boarding and provided with breakfast. We had accidentally booked first class which was not worth it and was twice the price. We didn't even attempt to eat the breakfast. Oh well.

Arrived in Macau at 10am and were about to catch a taxi when I saw bus #3. I knew from my research that bus #3 was the one to catch to get to where we wanted to go. We paid with HKD coins.

Rookie error #2
I said to my friend that it's easy to get on the right bus, but it's harder to know when to get off. We had a laugh but sure enough we didn't get off and ended up 2 km further on than we wanted.

No drama, we found a temple so walked in. Ooops, funeral service. No wonder there were heaps of flowers outside.

Anyway, we climbed the fort and took some photos. We were definitely in a 'local' area. We then walked the 2 km back to where we should have gone in the first place.

Was an interesting walk. Lots of motor cycles and a European feel, with cobbled laneways etc.

Found the ruins of St Paul's, and toured the crypt. We busy with tourists, largely Chinese mainlanders I would say.

Climbed the Monte Fort which is right there. Nice views. Views across to China.

Had lunch at Ou Man Cafe in the old town and then caught a shuttle to The Venetian. Massive and same as the one in Vegas with the fake St Mark's Square with canals and real gondolas. The casino part was completely overrun by mainland Chinese and after 15 minutes we had to get out of there.

Ferry back to HK. Economy was half the price we paid this morning and just as comfortable.

Dinner at a Thai place in Wan Chai that I had been to before. Nice pad thai.

Then a glass of wine at Uptown 90, a bar in Jaffe Road that had live music.

Coffee at Pret-a-Manger in IFC Hong Kong...reminds me of London...

Temple in Macau...

Cat lady at fort...

From the first fort...

Looking down the steps at St Paul's...Grand Lisboa in the background...

From behind...only a facade left...

The crypt...

From the top of Monte Fort...

Nice architecture...

The Venetian...

Dog shoes...

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