Saturday 2 April 2016

Sai Kung - Saturday 2 April 2016

Today I wanted to do something I hadn't done before. I had heard from a few people about Sai Kung, in the New Territories. So I headed off there by MTR and green minibus. Easy to get to. About an hour.

It's a fishing village with a large market and lots of seafood restaurants. A strong expat community too. It's also a place with lots of ferries to outlying islands.

Sai Kung Pier...

Looking back at the waterfront. Lots of seafood restaurants...

Stand up paddle boarders at Sai Kung Beach...

Another temple...

Fuk Man Road...

Had a nice feel to it. Stayed a few hours and came back to Central...

I read an article about a guy who walks from Admiralty (next suburb to me) to The Peak and down to Aberdeen. I didn't have time for that, but wanted to check out the zoo, which is on the way.

The zoo is free and a nice bit of park right in the city. It has a big aviary and some monkeys, lemurs and orangutans. 

I left the zoo looking for the path to The Peak, and ended up going all the way to top. I have been up a few times, but always by tram. It was a very steep and long walk. Had a coffee at the top, and walked back down.

On the pathway up. Check out the cars...

Then I caught the tram to Wan Chai and picked up my new glasses.

Lee Tung Street...

For dinner I found a dumpling place. Nice but the highlight so far is the pho.

Then went for a drink at Taboo, a local bar. Only went there as they had a band who were playing Fleetwood Mac as I was passing. Got severely harassed by the "hostesses" so I left.

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