Saturday 2 April 2016

Hong Kong - Friday 1 April - orientation day 3

Today's plan was island south.

After breakfast in my room, I went and had a coffee at The Coffee Academics in Wan Chai. I'd read about this one too and it had a couple of write-ups as being in the top 10 coffee places in the world. Really nice decor, good service and sensational coffee. However I can eat dinner for less money so it won't be a daily thing !

Then caught a bus to Aberdeen and walked around. Negotiated a sampan ride for HKD50. The sampans take working people out to the boats in the harbour or typhoon shelter, as they call it. Driven by a very old man who was very smiley and pleasant.

I then wanted to catch the bus to Repulse Bay, but got on the wrong bus and was taken to TST via Pok Fu Lam on the west side of the island. That was okay as I wanted to see that area anyway. Passed a Uni and a hospital.

Getting around is very easy and this is the first mistake I have made. I must have read the wrong bus number. My theory is that if I make a mistake on the bus, I can always get off. So I did.

Caught ferry back to Central and caught bus to Repulse Bay. Water was horrible and beach closed. Lots of Chinese tourists (they are easy to pick😀).

Went for a long walk to South Bay Beach but couldn't swim due to the water quality.

Caught bus to Stanley and had a walk around. Been there lots of times and it is very touristy. Had lunch at a local restaurant as I didn't want to pay tourist prices. I'm loving the food but wondering the effect such a big change to my diet will have. At least I'm not drinking !

Bus back home and dinner at a Vietnamese place close by. Delicious duck pho.

Then caught tram to Lan Kwai Fong for a drink. But it was so crazy and crowded, I came back and went to bed.

The Coffee Academics...

And the coffee was fantastic...

Tin Hau Temple in Aberdeen...

Aberdeen Harbour / Typhoon shelter...

Nice looking boat...

Love the pirate ship...

Famous floating restaurant, apparently a tourist trap...

My captain and his lady. He must be 90 but he knew his stuff...

Repulse Bay Beach...Chinese tourists...can't swim, red tide...

Looking back to Repulse Bay...

And the water was a reddish colour...yuk...

South Bay Beach. Turns out it was a long walk...

Lifeguards had nothing to do...

Love the terminology...Dog Latrine...


Another Tin Hau Temple...she was a famous woman who did good things before dying at 27...

My local supermarket. The rice section...

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