Sunday 17 April 2016

Hong Kong - new job !

Started the new job on Tuesday 5 April. Office is on Level 36 of Exchange Square 2 which is very centrally located.

I caught the tram in but on subsequent days I caught the bus which is quicker and goes right through my building.

Got taken to lunch nearly every day, with the highlight being taken by the Managing Partner to the Mandarin Grill.

Opened a bank account, so another admin thing done. HK may be a banking centre of the world, but the banking system is not that sophisticated. I was even given a cheque book !

People are nice. A good mix of Poms, Aussies and locals. Worked pretty long hours which is the norm.

Finished the week by having a beer in Lan Kwai Fong (LKF). Very busy due to the rugby.

One random dinner...haven't had a bad meal yet...and it's very cheap to eat in a 'local' restaurant...

LKF on a Friday night. This guy is spruiking pretty full on. Beginning of Hong Kong Sevens, so busier than normal...

On Sunday, the plan was to go to Lamma Island, a 30 minute ferry ride. I found the pier and caught the ferry. They go every 15 minutes. However it was pouring with rain so I came back on the same ferry. Will have to wait for another day.

Went for coffee in Wan Chai at Roastery / 18 Grams which I have been to before and quite like the feel of.

Then toured a couple of gyms - Fitness First and California Fitness. Walked out of both, much to the disappointment of the sales people. Nothing new there. Then went to Central to look at California Fitness there. They had a good rate and the Central timetable was better than Wan Chai. However I decided to join Wan Chai as my home gym, until I move. Was a 2 hour process and lots of hard bargaining, but eventually I got a corporate rate and admin and processing fees were waived. Did sign for 2 years though as that's the minimum.

Had a quick workout and back to Wan Chai for dinner.

Booked my first trip home for next week so excited about that.

I have decided that I want to try living in a different area. My place in Wan Chai is fine, but quite small and I can't really cook there. The view is nothing much and I have no windows that I can open. I find myself feeling the need to go out all the time, rather than hang. It's a great spot though. lots happening, and easy to get around by bus, tram or MTR.

I looked at an apartment in mid-levels, right next to the escalator. A bit tired but much bigger with an extra double bed for visitors. And it has a massive balcony. After a bit of hard bargaining, I agreed to sign a lease for 6 months and will move at the end of April.

Went to the gym in Wan Chai for the first time, which turned out to be quite an unpleasant experience ! I had an appointment for a tour of the gym which is part of the orientation. It turned out to be with a trainer who tested me, told me how bad I was at everything, that I must be lazy for not stretching and how much training I would need. I was expecting a hard sales pitch as that's what California Fitness are known for. When I said no, the trainer kept going, until I said "You are not listening to me. No." She became very annoyed and stormed off. Not very professional of her. When I move, I will change my home gym to Central.

Wednesday night I caught up with a contact for a drink in LKF at Stormies Bar.

Thursday night I had a trial with a Cantonese tutor. I want to keep going with my Cantonese. I will probably go ahead with him, but I want to try and consolidate what I have learnt so far.

Friday night I caught up with a mate from Sydney. We went to a hidden bar in Wanchai that I had stumbled across. Down a dark lane and unmarked door. I wouldn't have gone in if I was alone. First glass of wine since i have been here.

Then went for noodles at my favourite Vietnamese place. I am worried that I am eating out every night, but I think it's relatively healthy.

End of another big week. Macau tomorrow !

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