Friday 22 April 2016

Hong Kong - April 2016

On Sunday I had a walk through Wan Chai to buy some things. I am finding muesli hard to find, but there's a shop next to where I live that sells Australian muesli cheap.

Went to a bakery and bought some pastry type things (chicken pie and pork pastries).

Caught the number 15 bus from Queens Road to The Peak. Walked the morning trail circuit. Easy 3km, relatively level.

Lion's Lookout. It's very foggy.

Then walked down to Central via Old Peak Road. That's a hard walk. Very steep and although easier than going up, is still hard on the legs !

Then met my friend and took him over to TST on the Star Ferry. Dinner in TST, and ferry back.

Here are some pics of my very small room...

Sunday is helpers day off...Central is crazy...

Monday after work, went to the gym and then met my mate for dinner in Wellington Street. Went to Wang Fu, a well known dumpling restaurant. I had been there before and it's very good. Next time I will order a side of veges.

Tuesday met my friend Tricia for a drink in Elgin Street - Flutes. Nice upmarket bar open to the street. Happy hour until 8pm which is normal. Drinks were still HKD70 each.

Wednesday I went to the gym and then packed for my trip back to Sydney tomorrow. Vietnamese for dinner in Wan Chai.

Thursday night I flew back to Sydney

Friday I spent the day with the kids in Sydney. Dinner at Tex Mex in Mona Vale. Nice to be home.

View from roof of IFC...

My building, Exchange Square 2...

Going home on the tram...

Monday I flew back to HK from Sydney. Was a good 3 days in Sydney. Flight was fine.

Wednesday I went to trivia at The Canny Man in Wan Chai. Apparently the only Scottish bar in HK.

Thursday I moved to my new apartment in SOHO. SOHO is an area in Central popular with expats and is short for South Of Hollywood Road. I love it there. It is right on the Mid-Levels Escalator and much bigger than my last place. It also has a massive terrace which is quite rare.

To move, I used UBER for the first time which was very easy and reasonable. UBER is not huge here, I think as cabs are very cheap and plentiful.

Friday night I met my friend Tricia for a drink and dinner. Also there were her husband Dayne and a guy we both used to work with years ago, Kane, and his partner Marc. We went to Flutes in Elgin Street which is right where I live. Then to a Chinese restaurant which was nice. Then to more bars in the area. I broke my entertainment budget !

Found a new Vietnamese place in Sheung Wan...Pho 26...

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