Tuesday 2 October 2018

Rome - Tuesday 2 October 2018

Woke early and couldn't wait to get out and explore Rome. This is an art gallery nearby...

Street scene selfie...

This is from the square outside the Quirinale Palace, where the President lives...

Quirinale Palace...

Trevi Fountain...

Had an espresso before heading back to wake Callum...

Then we headed to the Colosseum which was walking distance...

We did a guided tour inside...

Callum pondering...

Looking across to Palatine Hill which we will head to next...

Looking across to the Forum...

And then we walked through the Forum...

Had to take a break for lunch !

Gnocchi with prawns. It was okay...

Then back to the Forum...

And up to Palatine Hill...

Then back to apartment. These are from our terrace. 

Then out to dinner at a place I had read about near Trevi. L'Antica Bistecca...

Then walked back to hotel...

I then went out by myself to a nearby rooftop bar that we found, overlooking Trevi Fountain. Had one drink and returned to hotel...

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