Wednesday 17 October 2018

Ayia Napa - Saturday 13 October 2018

One of my colleagues and I decided to go to Ayia Napa for the weekend. Last time I was in Cyprus I went West to Paphos, so this time, wanted to see the other end of the island. Ayia Napa is a party place in summer, but we were here in the off season.

Hired a car and got upgraded to a Renault SUV. Headed East...

First stop was Larnaca for lunch. Checked out the beach. Weather is gorgeous. Sand is not white...

Got to Ayia Napa and checked into the Adams Beach Hotel which we only booked in the car on the way. Huge place. Got upgraded to a sea view room...

Had a wander around the resort. This is Adams Beach which is contained within the hotel grounds...

Walked around to Nissi Beach and across to a small island. This is looking back to the beach...

Orthodox Church of St Andrew is right on the sea...


Caught a taxi into town and had dinner. It's off season, but still plenty of people around.

After dinner we found an outdoor bar with a band, and sat there for a couple of hours. Called the Square Bar, in the square surrounding Ayia Napa Monastery...

Taxi back to hotel about midnight.

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