Wednesday 17 October 2018

Limassol - Sunday 7 October 2018

Had a much needed sleep in, and then walked to Dassoudi Beach which was close, and found a nice restaurant for brunch. My colleagues who were staying at the same apartment joined me.

I have to get reacquainted with Cyprus coffee...

The Cyprus breakfast. They serve haloumi with most meals. Lucky I like it !

After that, I walked up to the old town, which is a fair way. But it's a lovely walk, right next to the Med. This is quite an interesting building...

Looking back the way I had come...

I love Limassol Castle and there are many good restaurants surrounding it...

This is the jewellery store I found last time. I like their stuff...

I still haven't worked out what this is...

A typical European street...

The old town is not that big. Nice church and look at that sky...

Then had a well deserved pint for EUR2.50. Then bumped into my boss and his wife who were walking past.

Then walked back and had a dip in the Med before it got dark...

My travel buddy...

Stocked up on water. EUR1.50 for all of this !

Then met colleagues for dinner at a Greek restaurant walking distance from the apartment.

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