Saturday 6 October 2018

Rome - Wednesday 3 October 2018

Next morning I got up early and walked in a different direction, to the Spanish steps. Our hotel is in a very good location...

From the top...

Spanish Steps selfie...

The neighbourhood...

I then went back and woke Callum. After breakfast in the hotel, we went to the Trevi Fountain, which by now was packed...

And then it was my turn...

Then walked past the Spanish Steps to Piazza del Popolo...

And went from there into Villa Borghese...

Hired bikes for an hour and rode around...

Rode past the Gallery of Modern Art...

Looking back to Piazza del Popolo...

Had some gelato and then found lunch...

The Pantheon, my new favourite building...

This is one building I remember from my trip 32 years ago !

Walked back to hotel...

That night we headed to Trastavere neighbourhood for dinner. Caught a bus from Bamberini near where we are staying. From here, we caught a tram across the river. This is the National Monument, built only 100 years ago. Modern for Rome !

This is the Basilica of Santa Maria...

We went inside and the choir was singing. Beautiful...

Then we had dinner...

Then we walked back. Nothing seems to be far from our hotel. This is crossing the river...

Everywhere you turn, there is another gorgeous building...

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