Thursday 31 March 2016

Hong Kong - orientation day 2 - Thursday 31 March 2016

Walked to Morrison Hill Pool and did some laps. It's close and a very big pool. It was busy and I was the only Caucasian. Frustrating though, as they only had 2 laps for swimming and people in those laps could barely swim !

Caught tram into Central and caught the mid-levels escalator to the top. I'd never done this before.

Got to the top and started to walk down. The escalator only goes one way - down in the peak hour morning, and up for the rest of the day.

Had a coffee at Pacific Coffee as I needed a coffee. It was okay. Apparently the HK version of Starbucks who are everywhere here, but I wouldn't be caught dead in there 😀.

This is the mosque in Mosque Street...halfway up the escalator...

Explored Hollywood Road on the way down and Man Mo Temple. 

Then I caught tram east this time. I wanted to go to the end but after an hour I got bored, so hopped off and caught the MTR back home. Bought a pork bun, chicken pie and custard tart for lunch.  HKD17 and delicious.

Had some time on email etc. Then went to dinner in Jaffe Road again.

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