Saturday 25 May 2024

Krakow, Poland - 23 to 26 May 2024

We caught the train from Florence to Pisa, and then a flight to Krakow. No immigration and caught a Bolt to our Airbnb in the Old Town.

In order to plan my trip, I had to get my geography right! I had been considering Budapest too but ran out of time.

We unpacked and went to explore the town. Our AirBnb is very close to the Old Town. 

It's very pretty and there were horse drawn carts everywhere. However it was eye-wateringly expensive to get a tour!

That's the girls ahead walking around the main square. It's a lovely night.

We found a nice place for dinner...

I tried this...

The pierogi were great...

After dinner we walked a bit more on the Old Town. It's not that big, and this is a city gate...

The Town Square is very pretty...

We went back to the apartment and I crashed out for a few hours. Travel catching up with me!

When I woke up it was dark so I went for another walk around the town.

They love their meats...

The next morning I went to the cafe downstairs called Karma, and did some emails and calls. The flat white was great.

This is the street our AirBnb is on...

The girls joined me and we walked the short distance to the river. We wanted to see Wawel Castle which is in the background there...

Approaching the castle from the river...

Looking back down to the river...

We then headed back towards the old town. It is well servied by these trams but we didn't need to catch one as we were so close.

We walked to the jewish quarter and ordered lunch...

Alex had an orange coffee. Not that great!

Wandering around the jewish quarter...

I went to a Banksy exhibition...

We when then went for a walk by the river...

And then headed back to the old town...

It was a long walk...

That night we had ramen for dinner...

Interesting sculpture in the main square...

The meals are so heavy here I've been trying the soups...

This is our street early in the morning, looking towards the old town, which is just beyond that greenery...

This is our apartment building...

Caught a Bolt to the aiport and bought a coffee.

Boarded my flight to Vienna. I was flying Ryan Air and was surprised it was a Lauda plane. Apparently, Ryan Air took Lauda over a couple of years ago.

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