Sunday 19 May 2024

Toledo, Spain - May 2024

On Sunday I decided to go to Toledo which is 35 minutes by fast train. The main sight is Toledo Cathedral.

Bought a ticket online for about EUR20, and caught the metro to the main station, Atocha. The train left right on time at 0835 and arrived at 0910.

This is the station at Toledo - a nice looking building!

It was a 25 minute walk up the hill...

Crossed the river...

Through this entrance and continued up the hill...

Walking through the town...

Plaza del Ayuntamiento...

This is the cathedral...

As it was Sunday and there was a mass on, I couldn't go in any further...

Then I walked around to Alcazar which was opened in 1537. It houses a library and military museum.

Walked the narrow streets...

Caught the 1335 train back to Madrid.

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