Friday 31 May 2024

Prague, Czech Republic - 29 May to 1 June 2024

I've been looking forward to coming here. Caught the train from Vienna which was about 4 hours...

I walked to Hotel Josef which was easy, other than the cobbled streets making it hard for wheely bags. Good location and older style hotel. I unpacked and then went for a walk around town.

These are famous pastries called Trdelnik, and recommended by my daughter. I had one filled with apple.

I walked to the famous Charles Bridge and then across it. Many tourists!

Views from the bridge...

That's Prague Castle and I will go there tomorrow...

The other side...

I hadn't eaten lunch so stopped for a beer and a snack.

These sausages were excellent...

I then walked around the town square...

The famous astronomical clock...

Went back to the hotel and changed into warmer clothes. Then went to a rooftop bar on the river. However I couldn't get a seat outside so I left. Took some photos though...

Then went to this rooftop bar called Pytloun Sky Bar which sits on Wenceslas Square, out of the old town...

Had a healthy dinner as I've been eating too many heavy meals...

It gradually got dark. That is Prague Castle...

I left the bar and started to walk back. That is Wenceslas Square looking up to Narodni museum...

I stopped for a Gin & Tonic in the Old Town on my way back. Generous serve...

Walked back through the town square.

The next morning I found a cafe nearby using my Coffee Trip app. Had the turkish eggs...

Seems there's a Banksy exhibition in every city...

Then I caught the tram to the stop nearest Prague Castle and I walked up the hill. Weather is not great today. This is looking back at the town...

The castle was built in the ninth century...

It's a complex with many buildngs...

You needed a ticket to go in here, so I just took a photo...

Walking around the castle...

The grounds are lovely...

City of spires...

I then walked back down and explored the local area...

Walked down Prague's narrowest alley which is just a path to a restaurant overlooking the river...

There's a traffic light at the bottom as it doesn't allow two people to pass...

Halfway back up...

Then I walked to the river which was very close...

I then jumped on a tram to the Dancing House...

Looking across the river...

I walked around the local area...

Then caught a tram back and took another pic of the castle from a different location...

I then walked to this interesting landmark known as the Head of Franz Kafka. Each layer rotates individually every 15 minutes and it is great to watch...

It wasn't far from Wenceslas Square so I went there to see it in daylight...

I went back to the hotel for a rest and then got dressed for dinner. Caught the tram about 20 minutes to a brewery called Dva Kohouti which was adjacent to a beer garden with food options.

I had the Mistni Pivo which was good...

The next morning I again caught a tram about 20 minutes to a food market that had good reviews. I got there before opening so I went for a coffee nearby. I then went back and had dumplings. The food was good but I was underwhelmed by the market which was really just a food court.

I then caught the tram to the Prague Library...

I wanted to see the Infinity Book Tower which contains more than 8,000 books and has mirrors at the top and bottom to create the infinity effect...

This is the new city hall, in the same square as the library...

Back in the old town I found a quiet place for coffee and apple strudel. The main square area is very busy and I needed to get away from all those people!

This pic is to show the cobbled streets. They look nice but you get tired of walking on them!

Back to the river...

I wanted to try Czech spa culture so I went to the Sauna Spot, about 20 minutes by tram along the river. There were a range of saunas, a steam room, a pool, ice baths and resting areas. It was really relaxing. It started to rain heavily, and I got some water and looked out over the river...

I went back to the hotel, got changed and headed to dinner. I found a local pub and tried some local food. Sausages to start and beef and bread dumplings. It was good.

The next morning I checked out and walked to the station for my train to Berlin. This is Prague main station. 

The noticeboard said my train was delayed by 30 minutes but I headed to the platform and glad I did as the train left on time. Phew!

Loved Prague and would go back.

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