Wednesday 22 May 2024

Florence, Italy - 20 to 23 May 2024

Monday morning I caught an Uber to the airport and headed to Florence to meet the family. Can't wait to see them.

Flew Vueling at 0915. Easy two hour flight. Caught the tram to the city centre which was super easy and close. Walked to the AirBnb.

I was hungry so found a restaurant close by and had seafood risotto.

Had a walk to the Duomo. Passed by here...

That night we went to a rooftop bar not far away called Roof Machiavelli Palace.

It had great view of the Duomo...

Close up...

We then walked to a restaurant that had been recommended by a mate. Called Gilda Bistro, it was very local and old-fashioned. It was just starting to rain as we arrived. The restaurant was cute and felt like you were in someone's house.

As we left, the rain was a bit harder, but rather than get a taxi, we decided to walk. The rain then got really heavy and we started to get wet. We stopped at a cafe for affogato, just to get out of the rain.

We finally made it back to the apartment.

Florence is incredibly crowded with tourists. The next morning I got up early as I wanted to see the Baptistry Doors without a million people standing in the way.

Battisero di San Giovanni...

There are actually three sets of doors. The first two were made by Andrea Pisano in the fourteenth century.

The third set were made by Lorenzo Ghiberti, who won a competition. The East Gate became the most beautiful. Construction lasted 27 years and they became known as the Gates of Paradise.

I then walked around and found a grocery store for some essesentials. Passed Piazza della Republica Square...

Piazza Signoria...

Then I walked back alng the river. That's the Ponte Vecchio...

I walked over it as I knew it would be packed later in the day. The shops weren't open yet.

Looking towards the next bridge...

I went back to the apartment to do some work calls. Then Eliza and I went out for a coffee and some food...

That afternoon we went wine tasting in Tuscany (see separate blog post).

After the wine tasting we found a restaurant close by and I had seafood risotto again...

Florence have these wine windows where you can order a drink and drink it in the street. A tad touristy...

The next morning I walked over Ponte Vecchio to an Australian cafe called Manly. The owner used to live in Manly.

Had some avo and toast...

I did some emails and then walked around the local area.

I walked along the river...

And then up to Piazzale Michelangelo which is a park on a hill. Nice views of Florence...

I then walked back down past the Museo di Palazzo Vecchio...

Piazza San Lorenzo...

That night we went to a bar in our street and had a drink...

Then we walked into a random restaurant which was excellent...

Eliza ordered the cheese platter...


Walked back along our street. In the middle of the night we heard someone get robbed right outside!

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