Monday 19 June 2023

Sicily - Catania to Palermo via Taormina - Monday 19 June

Had a coffee and croissant and headed to the car park to pick up the car. Drove north to Taormina. Narrow roads were challenging. This is just near to the hotel from White Lotus but I couldn't get a good pic of it.

Parked the car and walked throught this park into the town...

The only sight was the Greek Theatre so paid EUR18 to walk through...

Taormina is a lovely town...

That pink building might be the White Lotus hotel?

Got back in the car and drove down to the beach. It's very busy there and hard to park. Went for a swim at a rocky beach at Isola Bella.

Back on the road again. The landscape isn't done justice by this photo...

Then back in the car and drove to Palermo. Dropped off the car and walked 20 minutes to the Airbnb. 

This is Piazza Bellini and very close to the apartment.

Unpacked and went for a walk. Got hungry so had dinner. The stuffed squid was good but a few too many breadcrumbs...

Walked back to the apartment. It's a nice night.

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