Sunday 18 June 2023

Sicily - Catania to Noto and Syracuse - Sunday 18 June

Woke up at 5am so went for a walk around Catania. Not a big city and the streets are quite dirty.

First breakfast in Italy...

Caught an Uber back to the airport and picked up the rental car from Budget and headed to Noto which is south. Parked and walked to the main street. 

This is Chiesa di San Francesco d'Assisi all'Immacolata...

Walked a bit and went in to this church - Chiesa Santa Chiara...

Cattedrale di San Nicolo...

Palazzo Ducezio...

Walked up a random street and this is looking back down...

This was at the top of the street...

The risotto was great...

Then kept walking back towards the car...

Back to the car and headed for Syracuse. My trusty Renault Captur...

Then drove north to Syracuse which is on the Ionian Sea and is known for its ancient ruins. Parked the car and walked onto a pier and looked back at the town.

Here's the Greek theatre...

Island of Otigia is the historical centre...

Drove back to Catania and headed to a nearby rooftop bar called Etnea Rooftop Bar & Restaurant. Lovely to watch the sun set over Mount Etna...

I was expecting great food, and although it looks good, it was only average...

This in particular was quite stodgy...

Walking back to the apartment...

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