Thursday 13 June 2019

Genoa, Monaco and Nice - Thursday 13 June 2019

Breakfast in the hotel, checked out, and started the drive along the coast to Genoa. 

Easy drive. Parked and walked around. This is at the maritime museum...

Another nice old town. Check out that sky...

Had some amazing gnocchi with pesto. Pesto was invented in Genoa and it was fantastic.

Genoa Harbour...

I think this is some sort of ride...

I bought a couple of bottles of pesto at a local market...

Back in the car, heading for Monaco. I've been here twice before but only at night.

Parked in France and walked over the "border" !

That's the famous Monte Carlo casino in the background...

Walked into the casino...

Monaco Harbour...

Had a very average and over-priced lunch by the harbour.

Then back to the car and onwards to Nice, which is very close - about 30 minutes by freeway.

Checked in and went for a walk along the restaurant strip. Dinner at a Spanish place in a lively street near my hotel.

And dessert !

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