Friday 14 June 2019

Nice to Milan - Friday 14 June 2019

Breakfast in the hotel, then went for a walk around the harbour and the old town. It's a lovely warm sunny day. This is looking to the beachfront...

Love the Mediterranean colours !

Water looks nice but there's no sand and the pebbles don't look too comfortable !

Climbed a hill to a park above the old town overlooking the beach one way, and the harbour the other way...

Fruit & vegetable market. Great presentation !

Back in the main square near my hotel this lady has lost her bra !

Checked out and drove back to Milan. I wanted to drive on La Corniche which I last did in 1990 !

There are 3 routes, and I accidentally picked the lowest one which was closest to the sea.

Three hours or so on a freeway to get back to Milan. Have spent a fair bit on tolls.

Checked in to Hotel La Vignetta in the Navigli district, which is near a canal and known for good nightlife.

Walked to the Duomo area and went to a bar called Duomo 21 Terrazza. I love how it stays light so late here.

Selfie !

Then walked around the city centre...

Olmetto Piazza Vetra...

Porta Ticinese - city gate in the Navigli district...

Went for dinner at an all you can eat place on the canal in Navigli. EUR11 and includes a beer which is pretty good.

Loved this guy's beer cart...

There are two canals. This one is the quieter one...

Legal weed - also saw a shop...

It is quite a lively area. This is the second canal...

Had a last espresso and back to the hotel. I leave for the airport tomorrow morning for my flight back to Hong Kong.

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