Monday 10 June 2019

Lake Como / Bellagio / Lugano - Monday 10 June 2019

Woke early and went for a walk around the small village of Molina. This is my B&B, Villa Ortensie...

View from my room...

I had to leave my car in the village and was driven up in this car. It is a small car for very good reason - the laneways through the village are very narrow.

Like this !

And this !

The village of Molina...

Had a fantastic breakfast (and too much coffee!) on the terrace of the B&B cooked by the host.

Then drove further up the lake to Bellagio. Another lovely town.

Accidentally drove right through the centre of the town which is pedestrian only. Oops. Nine months later I received a fine for it. Grrr...

Put the car on the ferry to the other side of the lake and drove just over an hour to Lugano Switzerland.

A fellow passenger offered to take a pic. People are very friendly!

Looking back at Bellagio...

Arriving at the other side. Still in Italy, but the Swiss border isn't far...

Drove to Lugano and I wasn't even stopped at the border. I parked at the station. I was worried about the cost as everything in Switzerland is very expensive. But it was only CHF6 for a couple of hours.

It's a pretty town on a different lake - Lago Lugano. Felt pretty quiet.

Had lunch and walked around town and through a nice park. Not much else to see.

Looking back at the town from Lake Lugano...

Iceberg sculptures...

I didn't want to pay CHF40 for the (vignette) toll (it's an annual ticket, but there is no daily equivalent), so took the back roads which were fine - still good. But I made one mistake and got onto the freeway at one point. As soon as I realised, I took the first exit. Bizarrely there was a police roadblock and they noticed I didn't have the vignette. They were going to fine me CHF200 but let me off as I was a foreigner. Phew !

Back to Como for a walk around the town and some gelato !

Life Electric sculpture...

Then caught the Como-Brunate Funicular which you can see on this hill...

Brunate is the village at the top.

On the way back down...

Then drove back to Molina for dinner at the one restaurant there and crashed.

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