Saturday 1 June 2019

Sydney and Canberra - May / June 2019

Heading back to Sydney for Eliza's 19th birthday. Took the day flight on Thursday 30 May.

Had dinner with the family on Thursday night. Friday night caught the train into town. Where is everybody ?

Met my friend Rodney for a drink at this hidden bar in Pitt Street...

Then moved on to a rooftop bar in Barangaroo called Smoke...

Liane's 50th birthday at Lotus, Barangaroo...

Jeff the Mazda in the garage...

Drove to Pam Beach with Alex and walked up to the Lighthouse...

Sunday night had a catch up with friends at Kiplings in Turramurra. Here I am with 3 of my oldest and closest friends...

We were trying to recreate this photo from 35 years earlier !

Mid-week I headed to Canberra to visit my Mum. Tough visit as she is deteriorating. After visiting her, I headed to a bar in Kingston that I had previously ridden past.

My sister Megan came and joined me...

And we met a bunch of Germans who were working with ASIO !

Early the next morning I did my usual walk up Mount Ainslie...

Loving my new Feiyue shoes...

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