Friday 8 February 2019

Bali - February 2019 - day 2

I hired a driver for the day for IDR700,000 (A$70) as I wanted to go to Ubud. He took me first to a traditional Balinese theatre which I found quite boring.

This little guy comes to visit each morning...

Balinese theatre...

We then went to a batik printing place which was just an excuse to get you in the shop. So I said no to more stops and we headed to what I really wanted to see - the rice paddy terraces. It was a long drive and traffic was bad. It was good, but I'm not sure it was worth the 2.5 hour drive...

It was nice to walk around, but it was very touristy. There was a whole town of tourist shops...

Then headed back and on the way did the second thing I wanted to do, Tegenungan Waterfall. Nice to see but also incredibly touristy. Why did I think it would be an unspoilt paradise ?

Afterwards had a Bintang and some food, before heading back to Nusa Dua...

Pool at Melia...

Lobster risotto...

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