Saturday 3 February 2024

Bangkok - February 2024

Had to go to Singapore for work and decided to fly via Bangkok and have the weekend there. I flew Qantas Business Class on the Friday and arrived at Suvarnabhumi Airport in the afternoon. 

Flying over Botany Bay...

Let's go!

There are two international airports in Bangkok and I have been through both many times. However, when I have been to Suvarnabhumi before, it has been for work and I have been picked up. This time I caught a Grab which was easy and THB480.

About an hour to the hotel which this time is Grande Centre Point Surawong. Easy check in. The room was spacious and modern.

Checked out the rooftop pool...

Got changed and headed to a bar I had researched on the river called Jack's Bar. They were full so I then walked to Silom (about 25 minutes) which is an area I know well. 

Had some food and walked back to the hotel.

The next morning I got up and caught a Grab to Khlong Lad Mayom Floating Market. I've never been to one deeming them too touristy and far away, but this one was very local and not far by car. I tried some nice food for breakfast...

I couldn't work out what these were...

Then I took a ride on the khlong for THB100 (about A$4).

Afterwards I walked over a little bridge and found this cafe...

Then walked around the market some more...

I had an Avocado and Passionfruit drink...

I then walked up the road a bit to call a Grab, and had a Thai milk tea...

Kale coffee anyone?

I went back to the hotel for a rest and a swim. And then I made my way back to Jack's Bar. A bit earlier today and I was able to get a seat literally over the water. A very enjoyable beer was had!

Watched the sun go down over the river...

I then went to a restaurant I had been to a few times called Mango Tree...

Sunday morning I joined a cycle tour...

After riding through a local area and a market, we rode down the main road through Chinatown...

There were plenty of stops...

We crossed the river and stopped at a temple (Wat Kanlayanamit Woramahawihan)...

After the ride, I walked to Silom for breakfast. Had street food at a place I had been to before...

Back to the hotel for a rest and a massage. I had a free one hour body massage at the hotel. Let's Relax is a fancy massage chain.

Then went to the pool as the sun went down...

That night I headed to the Lebua Hotel as I wanted to try the Sky bar. This is the bar that was made famous by the Hangover movie. I knew it was going to be expensive but it was close to my hotel and I wanted to tick it off my list. 

Long pants are needed for the fancy bar...

The lobby of the hotel is not that nice but once I got to the rooftop, I was escorted to the bar. The views are good but I should have come for sunset. That's the river...

The bar is stand up only. I ordered a margerita which was the cheapest drink on the menu.

It came to A$60! I had my drink and left. I actually regretted the experience.

After that, I caught a Grab to Khao San Road, just because I've never been there at night. I walked from one end to another. It was so busy and loud and too much for me so I left.

I headed back to the hotel, changed into shorts and went for a massage then back to the hotel.

The next morning I got up and packed. This is the view from my room and you can see the Lebua Hotel straight ahead...

I went to the Thai Airways lounge and as I'm travelling business class, there was an express lane so I leared immigration very quickly. I had breakfast and did some work as I was there very early. 

Then headed to the gate. There's a new terminal at Suvarnabhumi Airport...

Boarded my flight for Singapore. Nice weekend!

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