Saturday 27 August 2022

Siem Reap, Cambodia - Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 August

On Saturday I had no plans. Got up and had a coffee at a nice cafe near my hotel. Then I went for a walk to the other side of the river and had another coffee. It's very hot!

In the afternoon, I took a Tuk Tuk about 20 minutes out of town to a lace called Phnom Krom. It is a beautiful place with huts that you sit in and order food. I had a nice relaxing time there.

The hammocks were great...


I stayed until sunset...

Caught a tuk tuk back to town and showered. Walked to a rooktop bar I had seen called The Moon Sky Bar and had a beer.

The headed to the other side of the river to try another bar, Laundry. Played Jenga with some locals...

Then walked back to the hotel via Pub Street...

Sunday morning I got up and packed. Went out for a coffee ad then caught a tuk tuk to the airport which is about 20 minutes away.

Easy check in for my 1150 flight to Bangkok.

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