Tuesday 23 August 2022

Bangkok - August 2022

Heading back to Sydney, I decided to have a holiday in South East Asia, starting in Bangkok. Leaving Hong Kong was easy. The string quartet is a new feature at the airport!

I flew Air Asia which was easy and landed early at Don Muang Airport on a Sunday afternoon. Straight through immigration and into a taxi. About 30 minutes and THB350 to my hotel, The Quarter Silom. I checked in then had a massage close by. Then headed out for dinner nearby. 

Massaman curry!

I woke early the next morning and had breakfast in the hotel, which is included in the rate of THB1,700 (AUD68). Then I went for a walk to the river...

Then stopped for a flat white (THB100)...

Then I walked back to the hotel and used the gym which is not bad. After that I had another massage!

That night I went to a rooftop bar near my hotel called AkaAza, in the Amara Hotel. Lovely night.

The next morning after breakfast I went for a walk to Lumphini Park and then on to Benchakitti Park where they have a nice 'skywalk'. It is very hot and there are not many people around.

Then walked back to hotel and used the gym. After that I had another massage which cost THB700 (AUD28) plus tip. I wasn't sure what to tip but I gave them THB300.

Had a wander through a local market and bought an avocado and passionfruit juice. I also had my hair cut.

That night I caught a Grab to the Eagle Nest to watch the sunset over Wat Arun.

This part of Bangkok is the old part, where all the famous temples are...

I had some satays and a beer...

I tried a Bangkok Sling which was good...

Wat Arun is quite beautiful. I have been there before on a previous trip...

After that, I walked to the flower market which was close by. Then I caught a Tuk Tuk to Chinatown...

This guy is cooking noodles. There was a queue. I had some and they were very good...

It was very busy for a Tuesday night...

Went here and tried the mussel pancake...

It was very good...

The squid looked amazing but I didn't try, as the queue was too long...

But I did try the shark fin soup. It wasn't bad...

Then caught a Grab back to the hotel and slept. Early morning tomorrow as I am heading to Siem Reap.

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