Thursday 25 August 2022

Angkor Wat, Cambodia - Thursday 25 August 2022

The next morning, I was picked up at 9am and we headed to Angkor Wat. First stop was the ticket office where I bought a one day ticket for USD37.

Then we drove a bit further to Angkor Wat...

It was raining and warm. I walked across this floating bridge to the entry. This body of water is a moat that surrounds Angkor Wat on all sides...

Looking back to where I had started...

Walking in to the main entrance...

I climbed up these very steep stairs in the rain, which was a bit hairy...

We then drove to the next temple called Angkor Thom. Bayon is a famous temple within Angkor Thom.

Outside Angkor Thom were many baboons...

I met my driver and we headed to Ta Prohm Temple.

I was all templed out by now, so my driver dropped me back into Siem Reap town to a restaurant he recommended. I had some vegetarian spring rolls and a tea of some sort...

And Chicken Amok which is a traditional Cambodian dish...

I then walked back to the hotel and sat by the pool...

That night I went to a rooftop bar next to my hotel. I had two beers. I was the only one there.

Then back to the hotel and crashed.

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