Sunday 19 May 2019

Hong Kong - May 2019

Life in Hong Kong has settled into a routine. I find I am doing less exploring now, and staying on HK Island going to gym, exploring my local area and just enjoying my new apartment.

This was taken one Sunday in Old Bailey Street.

Found a cool organic ship in Sai Ying Pun...

This is my favourite - cheung fan - I buy it from a shop in Sai Ying Pun. Very cheap and just steam or stir fry. I have it for dinner but Hongkongers generally eat  for breakfast...

I finally did the bike ride I have been wanting to do. Caught MTR to Shatin and hired a bike which was $90 for the day including drop off in Tai Po. It was a hot day, but a pleasant ride along the water...

We actually rode on to Tai Mei Tuk and Plover Cove Reservoir. I'm buggered by now and we stopped for a late lunch.

Riding back to Tai Po where we dropped the bikes. We rode 35 km so a pretty good workout.

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