Saturday 23 September 2017

Barcelona - Saturday 23 September 2017

Decided on the spur of the moment to spend the weekend in Barcelona. I'd never been and everybody raves about it.

Gatwick Express from Victoria and then a 2 hour flight on Friday night. Taxi to hotel - Casa Bonay and really happy with my room...

View from terrace...

Friday night I checked out the rooftop bar in my hotel. Had some tapas and a beer...

Walked around a bit and easily stumbled onto some cool architecture. Pg de Gracaia...

Found another rooftop bar. L'Antiga Esqerra de l'Eixample...

Saturday morning I spent walking around the old town. Great European architecture and narrow cobbled lanes etc. This is from my hotel terrace...

Indoor atrium at my hotel...

Hotel map ! I need my glasses to read, but you can see below there are 3 main areas to explore...

Arc de Triomf...

St Mary of the Sea...

Cathedral of Barcelona...

El Gotic...

Palau De La Generalitat...

Plaza Real...

Las Ramblas which is VERY touristy...

Amazing market...

Ciutat Vella...

Jardins de Rubio i Lluch...

Dreta de l'Eixample...

Placa de la Sagrada Familia. Amazing architecture, still unfinished 200 years later...

In the afternoon, I caught the metro to a beach that was created for the 1992 Olympics. Had a swim in the Mediterranean and some tapas at a beach bar.

Tapas and wine at a beach bar...

Caught train back to hotel for a shower. Then went walking around a bit, and checked out another couple of bars. The city seemed to really come alive at midnight. I'd heard it was a late city.

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