Saturday 16 September 2017

London - Saturday 16 September 2017

Dr Johnson's House, very close to my office in Pemberton Row...

Walked up to Soho to an Australian cafe I wanted to try - Milkbar - but it was closed. So I went to one around the corner that was great. Coffee has improved a lot in London since I first started coming here.

This brand always reminds me of my daughter and a discussion we had in Boston last year...

Fashion week...

Then walked to Trafalgar Square...

Then on to Westminster Abbey, my favourite place in London. Cost was GBP22 and too busy inside. Still love it though.

Made my way back to hotel and got changed. Off to Wembley now to see Swansea and Tottenham with Jeremy. Met him at The Volunteer in Baker Street. Had a late lunch of sausages and mash...

The Globe - wonder if it's related to the one in HK ?

No score but great venue. After we came back to The Volunteer for dinner and then home.

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