Sunday 15 January 2017

Beijing - 15 January 2017

Breakfast at home. Coldest day yet. I'm dreading going outside...

Darrell's grandpa was making Chinese New Year decorations. He did all the characters...

He gave us a set to take home. I'm standing like this so I remember which way to put them outside our front door...

We left home and headed to the Temple of Heaven. I liked this place. Had a nice feel. Surrounded by a large park.

Bought a toy for the kids from a local vendor...

The kids got dressed up and we had a professional photo taken. I got into trouble for taking this one...

Lunch was hotpot which was great...

The food comes raw and you dip it into boiling water to cook. Another great meal...

Then off to Lama Temple...

We lit incense sticks and said prayers. The complex kept going on and on.

Then off to the airport for the trip home. Easy flight and home by about midnight.

A great weekend and we were very lucky to be well looked after by Beijing people

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