Thursday 12 January 2017

Beijing - 12 January 2017

We are off to Beijing to stay with Callum's (Sydney) school friend Darrell, and his family. They have a house in Beijing, and spend each January there.

Caught taxi to airport for an early flight. There are 3 of us and we are now a bit out of Central, so a taxi makes sense. Got money mixed up and paid taxi in RMB by mistake. Damn !

Easy 3 hour flight on Hong Kong Airlines and our friends picked us up at the airport. It is sunny but very cold. Traffic is heavy.

Went and had a nice local lunch at a famous chain - Qing-Feng Steamed Dumpling Shop. Awesome dumplings...

Then to the Summer Palace and walked around for a couple of hours. Very impressive.

Apparently it was very smoggy last week but this week the sky is crystal clear and a beautiful blue. There is a haze on the horizon.

Love the translations...

Stone boat...

Sunset through the smog in the distance...

It is very cold, and parts of the lake are frozen...

Then back to our friends' house. Large 4 story house, not far from the Summer Palace.

Had dinner cooked by the grandparents. It was great.

It is fantastic being shown around by local people. We don't have to worry about language or transport which makes it a very easy trip.

House has a rooftop terrace which isn't used much as it's either to cold or too hot. Located in a clearly prestigious gated community.

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