Thursday 10 November 2016

Hong Kong - November 2016

Very happy to see Alex arrive on Saturday night. Her plane had been delayed (Qantas) so she was very tired when she got in. We had dumplings in Wellington Street. Not Wang Fu, but not bad.

Sunday we had breakfast at Peel Street Espresso...

and then walked up to The Peak...

We then had lunch at a great local restaurant under the escalator at the bottom. We both had dumplings.

Then we caught a bus to Repulse Bay and a taxi to South Bay and had a swim. Great weather for November.

Then continued on to Stanley and had a walk around the markets. But Alex got tired so we headed back.

Sunday night we went for dinner at Kuma Ramen in Sheung Wan.

Monday went to the zoo to see our friends the orangutans. 

Dinner was at the Thai place on the escalator.

Alex is addicted to dumplings and she went back to the place I had taken her on Sunday.

Found vegemite...that's about A$20...

Bar in Peel Street...

The locals love queuing for a new place...a week later, there is no one there...

View from my office...

Trying street was good...

View from the board room...

View from my office...

New coffee place in Jervois Street...

From pedestrian overpass...

Symphony of Lights...

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