Sunday 27 November 2016

New York - Sunday 27 November 2016

Left hotel and had breakfast at a nearby cafe - Idea Coffee. I'm trying to eat local food ! It was good but very sweet.

Breakfast in's a Flatiron Waffle...

And here's the Flatiron Building...close to where I am staying...

I then walked south all the way to Freedom Tower (1 World Trade Centre) and looked at the memorial there. Then walked to Battery Park.

9/11 Memorial...

Shopping Centre near Freedom Tower...

Then walked to Battery Park.

Christmas Trees for sale...reminds me of a Friends episode where Phoebe is uncomfortable with the killing of the trees...

I then went and fund a subway station and bought a weekly train pass for $32.

Caught the train back to midtown. I had arranged a walking tour of Greenwich Village so spent the next couple of hours walking around the village. Really nice area.

A bit pretentious ?

Back to hotel and changed. Caught train downtown to where my friend Davey is staying. His hotel is very trendy too - Nomo Soho - and I had a drink in the bar there while I waited for him (I was early).

Met Davey and one of his colleagues, and walked close by to an amazing Mexican Restaurant. It looked nothing from the outside but you go in and they check your booking and you then go downstairs to an really cool bar / restaurant. Food was fantastic and we had a great night.

I have to say, I love New York. It's an amazing city.

Taxi back to hotel and crashed.

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