Monday 26 June 2023

Sorrento, Italy - Tuesday 27 June

Got up and walked to the Port of Sorrento as we were doing a boat tour. Another beautiful day. Lovely to wake up to this...

Looking the other way from our balcony...

We had breakfast and waited for our boat.. This is leaving...

That's Capri where we went a few days ago...

The boat tour was okay and we had another swim...

Then motored back and found somewhere for lunch. Even here they are still celebrating!

In the afternoon we headed to a place I had researched Bagni Regina Giovanna. I knew it was a bit of a hike, but I didn't realise we'd be walking on a fairly busy narrow road.

This part of the road had footpaths, as we climbed above Sorrento.

We made it and had a swim and ate food we had carried. It was quite uncomfortable and rocky getting into the water.

This pool was a bit tricky to get too but we made it and you can swim through the cave into the sea...

Starting the long walk back...

Resting at the top...

Stopped at a local shop for some water. Love the pasta choices...

Back to the apartment for a rest. Long day. That night was our lat night, so we walked up to Sorrento and found a nice restaurant with a garden setting...

Last night in Italy! The food was great...

Then went for a final walk around Sorrento...

Sunday 25 June 2023

Sorrento, Italy - Monday 26 June

 We got up and had a final walk around Naples.

We wanted to walk to the top of the hill but ran out of time, as we had a car booked. We got part the way up though. The neighbourhood is called Montecalvario.

On the way back we passed Gesu Nuovo Church...

Then we packed up and got a car to Sorrento, the final destination of our Italian trip. We are using the Uber guy than we used on our first day as our private driver. We are spending a lot more on transfers than I had estimated.

It's about 50km but the last part is one lane and very busy. So it took a couple of hours.

Our accommodation is right on a little port. We couldn't get into our room straight away so we went and had lunch. 

After lunch we went and met the Airbnb lady. We had splurged on this final apartment and it was really large with sea views from every room.

View from the apartment looking back to the little port...

We went for a walk. It's not a big place. This is looking down the coast...

Our apartment is in the yellow building directly across from here, next to the white building on the end.

We walked up the hill and along the coast a bit.

This is the next beach along and we will come here tomorrow for another boat trip.

Then we went back to the room for a rest. Headed out that night and had dinner at a restaurant close by called  The Five Sisters. probably one of the most average meals we had and overpriced.

This is about 8:35 pm...

We found a rooftop bar called 360 degrees at Hotel Regina. My father's name was Reg so we went there for a drink as it got dark.

Easy walk back to the apartment...

Melbourne - June 2024

 Had to go to Melbourne for work. Flew on the Monday morning and straight to the office. After work I checked in to Voco and crossed Lonsdal...