Thursday 31 December 2020

Sydney - December 2020

Freedom from quarantine ! So nice to be out.

Picked up my hire car, Hyundai i30...

We bought a Christmas tree and decorated it. Bought my Christmas lights from Hong Kong...

Met the new dog (Leo) and took him for a walk...

Went for a walk up our street on Christmas Eve and spotted some decorations...

On Boxing Day, the girls and I drove to Kirribilli and walked over the bridge to The Rocks. It was super quiet.

I have been taking Callum driving a lot. One day we drove down to Berowra Waters and put the car on the car ferry, then drove up the other side through Galston and Pennant Hills.

It continues to be very rainy...

It's Gardenia season ! And this is a vase I bought in Venice in 1986 !

We sold the house I grew up in after only one open for inspection and no advertising...

Spent Christmas day at home with the family and in-laws.

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