Friday 31 March 2017

Hong Kong - March 2017

Love buying flowers at the market...

As a reward for doing well in his first Chinese test, we took Callum to the Cat Cafe in TST. You book a table and pay a set fee and you can sit there for as long as you want. For the fee, you get 2 drinks. The coffee was good and the food looked nice, although we didn't try any. It was a nice relaxing atmosphere and Callum enjoyed it.

On Sunday 19 March, Jacqui took Eliza to the airport for her school camp to Sri Lanka ! Yoga and surfing. Sounds amazing.

On Monday, Callum headed to his school camp on Lantau Island, and Jacqui headed to Sydney.

On Wednesday 22 March, my friend Julie, and her friend Michelle, arrived for a few days, on their way to Vietnam. I took them to Mirza's birthday drinks at Red on top of IFC, with workmates. Then we headed to Wang Fu for dinner. They were pretty tired so we went home after that. 

On Thursday night, we went to Temple Street and wandered through the markets, found Sneaker Street and the Ladies Market in Mongkok, and then to Aqua in One Peking.

Friday night we went to Wooloomooloo in Wan Chai, followed by Fu Lu Shou in Hollywood Road. after that we had some noodles in Elgin Street and then to The Iron Fairies where there was a great band.

Wooloomooloo Rooftop Bar in Wan Chai...

View over Happy Valley Racecourse...

Friends for 30+ years...

Iron Fairies...

Saturday morning I put them in a taxi at 6am. I then went to the airport to pick up Eliza who flew in from Columbo, Sri Lanka. 

Another day, Jacqui, Callum and I went to Ma Wan which is an island under the Tsing Yi Bridge. We caught a ferry from Central. They have a replica Noah's Ark and a nice beach...

One afternoon Callum and I discovered the electronics market at Sam Shui Po...

We then wandered around Temple Street where he insisted on solving all the Rubiks Cubes...

Dinner at Temple Street Night Market...

Street market...

One Sunday I had a friend here from Singapore, so I took him to the Big Buddha and then to Tai O. I had been to Tai O before but didn't really enjoy it as it was packed with mainlander tours. This day was much better, maybe because it was the Sunday before Ching Ming Festival and very quiet.

Big Buddha...

View from our lounge room...never get tired of it...

Dinner at the new noodle place right near us...

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