Tuesday 29 March 2016

Sydney to Hong Kong - Tuesday 29 March 2016

Jacqui and the kids drove me to the airport. Easy trip. Ate in the Qantas Club, including too many licorice allsorts !

Flight was fine. Long. I watched Spectre and The Intern which were both good. Slept a bit.

Coming into HK was the only time I had a few butterflies in my stomach. I guess the last 3 months are finally hitting me.

Cleared immigration no problems. Got my visa validated. Highlight was being told by the immigration guy that next time I could enter as a resident !

Caught Airport Express to town and then MTR to Wan Chai. My Octopus Card still had credit on it from 2011 😀.

Found my apartment easily. Had a quick walk and crashed about 10pm which is 1am Sydney time. Long day. 

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