Monday 3 July 2023

Paris - Tuesday 4 July

 Had an early meeting in the hotel then headed to lunch in Montparnasse.

After working in the hotel, I caught the Metro to Pigalle. I had been here before but not for a long time. This is Square Aristide-Cavaille-Coll...

Walked to Moulin Rouge. The area is really seedy in the daytime.

I started to walk towards Le Marais but it started to rain.

Stopped for a drink and a snack.

When the rain eased, I kept walking.

Great name for a bar...

Then it started pouring so I took refuge in another bar and had some dinner. I sat outside but due to the smoking I moved inside.

Rain eased again and I kept walking. Jardin Nelson Mandela is an impressive building...

Caught the Metro back to the hotel and crashed.

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